The license plate number #J68SUV belongs to a BMW X5 (2020 model) and is registered in New Jersey as a multipurpose passenger vehicle (mpv) manufactured by BMW MANUFACTURER CORPORATION / BMW NORTH AMERICA. The vehicle has a standard license plate attached to the front and rear of the vehicle. The license plate #J68SUV was first searched on LookupAPlate on March 09, 2024, and it currently has 12 community reports. You can find the detailed report of the vehicle below.
The vehicle owner(s) information for the 2020 BMW X5 with license plate J68SUV may be available through our data provider. Click the button below to start your free search.
Recklessly driving and cannot drive in a lane. Hovering around the lane.
assaulted asian old man due to road rage, possibly racially motivated
This driver has brutally attacked multiple persons in separate incidents / fits of road rage. He is dangerous, unhinged, and should have his license immediately revoked. He is a menace to society and the roads.
Driver assaulted another on the cross Bronx expressways
The driver of this vehicle is dangerous. He has a history of attacking members of minority groups. There are people reporting the latest incident and nothing is being done.
Driver assaults people …. He knocked a women unconscious and beat up a man at a red light. Stay away from the loser.
there have been at least two reports of the owner (a man) attacking other drivers (punching them) after cutting them off in traffic and getting out of his car to do so.
Pinned an elderly man between two cars and drove off after stealing keys on the Cross Bronx Expressway.
Driver randomly attacked Muslim female Uber driver and knocked her unconscious for stopping to pick up a passenger in front of Target.
This driver stopped in the middle lane of 95, exited his vehicle and assaulted an elderly person multiple times and possibly stole their keys. There is a video of the assault. This person is very dangerous
This man has physically assaulted 2 different people. An old Asian man and a Turkish woman. For more proof please visit instagram @ThatGuyDanesh and look at the video of a guy in a black polo
Dash cam video showing driver of a 2020 BMW X5 New Jersey plate # J68SUV assault an elderly driver on the I-95 near exit 2A in the Bronx, NY and proceeded to hit and run the same vehicle, March 2024.