The license plate number #CED075 belongs to a NISSAN Altima (2015 model) and is registered in Mississippi as a passenger car manufactured by NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC.. The vehicle has a standard license plate attached to the rear of the vehicle. The license plate #CED075 was first searched on LookupAPlate on June 04, 2024, and it currently has one community report. You can find the detailed report of the vehicle below.
The vehicle owner(s) information for the 2015 NISSAN Altima with license plate CED075 may be available through our data provider. Click the button below to start your free search.
Ran stop sign tried to hit a lady with her kid. And shit handgun towards a home occupied with kids at 1 am and sped off into the dark screaming and cursing with 3 other males and the vehicle