The license plate number #PT6520 belongs to a CHEVROLET Bolt EV (2023 model) and is registered in Minnesota as a passenger car manufactured by GENERAL MOTORS LLC. The vehicle has a standard license plate attached to the front and rear of the vehicle. The license plate #PT6520 was first searched on LookupAPlate on September 03, 2024, and it currently has one community report. You can find the detailed report of the vehicle below.
The vehicle owner's information for the 2023 CHEVROLET Bolt EV with license plate PT6520 may be available through our data provider. Click the button below to start your free search.
Driver was swerving and almost collided with my vehicle and others while driving on a public roadway. Driver seemed to possibly be driving while under the influence. Also had an Uber sign in window and I believe this should be reported to ensure the safety of passengers and other vehicles on the roadway