The license plate number #FE8533 belongs to a HYUNDAI Elantra (2017 model) and is registered in District of Columbia as a passenger car manufactured by HYUNDAI-KIA AMERICA TECHNICAL CENTER INC (HATCI). The vehicle has a standard license plate attached to the rear of the vehicle. The license plate #FE8533 was first searched on LookupAPlate on May 19, 2023, and it currently has one community report. You can find the detailed report of the vehicle below.
The vehicle owner(s) information for the 2017 HYUNDAI Elantra with license plate FE8533 may be available through our data provider. Click the button below to start your free search.
Today around 5pm, a 50-60 year old white male was driving up and down by Janney elementary by Albemarle and Wisconsin yelling racial slurs at people of color. He was in what appeared to be a grey Hyundai, license plate FE 8533 (DC plates). The whole thing was very bizarre and he seemed a bit out of his mind. Did anyone else encounter him? Person Hair: Grey, Top: Button up, Bottom: Could not tell (in a car), Age: 50-60, Sex: Male, Race: White Vehicle Color: Grey, Make: Hyundai, License Plate: FE8533 -----AND---- Hello neighbors, I wanted to share my experience of repeated racial harassment in our neighborhood. I am a brown woman and have now had three run-ins with a middle-aged white male who drives a 2017 silver Hyundai Elantra. DC license plates. Each time he has seen me, I have been on foot and he has been in his car. Each time, he has made racially aggressive and threatening comments. One of these instances was when I was with a neighbor who is an African American woman. And two of these instances were when I was with my 5 year old child. Needless to say, these incidents have been really unpleasant and stressful, and have ungrounded me to an extent that I am surprised by. This man seems to be driving around the busier ends of the neighborhood between Wisconsin and Massachusetts Avenues NW. If anyone sees this individual escalate his behavior, I would strongly encourage you to call the authorities.