We’ve all seen them on the road – those ridiculous and often hilarious license plates that catch the eye while driving. Some are clever, others are purposefully offensive, and then some are absolutely baffling. Yet Someone somewhere paid for that vanity plate, which means they at least put some kind of thought into it. Vanity plates have been popular for decades, as of 2007 there were over 9.7 million vehicles with them (with over one million of those in Virginia alone). Today, we can imagine that number is even greater.
Vanity plates can be purchased through the local DMV. They allow motorists to add a little more personality to their vehicles. It gives them a chance to highlight an aspect of their vehicle or their own lives. Sometimes, the vehicle owners have a great sense of humor.
Here are 25 of the most ridiculous – and funniest – vanity plates caught on camera.
1. This one might be the biggest self-own we’ve ever seen.
Ah, Texas! Everyone knows a gas guzzler when they see one. In this case, the owner seems to be self-aware of the vehicle’s weakness. Goodbye, gas mileage in a truck like that!

2. Vlad the Impala
Sometimes the car just names itself. That seems to be the case with this car owner who found the perfect plate for their Impala. Even if they aren’t a Romanian royal with a nasty reputation, who doesn’t love a good historical reference?

3. Evil Laugh
Can you imagine this guy cutting you off in traffic? You just know they’re going to brake check anyone following too closely, too. Either way, you know what you’re in for when you’re following this car.

4. Keeping it Simple.
Just in case there were any questions about what you were driving, this plate reinforces the obvious – it’s a car. Somehow, it’s still hilarious to see out on the road.

5. The 90s Are Back
Did they ever really leave? Obviously, this brings to mind Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and one of her most iconic lines in the 90s classic Clueless. Of course, we really hope this person is a better driver than Cher or her friends.

6. Everyone Has Those Days
I’m sure they’re friendly…. Really! We’ve all thought this at least once, especially when stuck in terrible traffic. This plate is just putting it all out there for everyone to see.

7. Where’s Link?
This is one for all the Nintendo fans out there! Once again, the model of the car is too good to pass up. Legend of Zelda is an iconic video game series that’s beloved all over the world. The reference is perfect.

8. Is it Fate?
These two vehicle owners are a plate match made in heaven. Or at least at the DMV. It isn’t often you find someone with a complimentary plate out in the wild like this Reddit user says he discovered.

9. For the Cat Lovers
Cats have already pretty much taken over the internet. Why would they stop there? Cat lovers have been brandishing their obsession for years. It was only a matter of time before they made it on their license plates. (Gotta appreciate the creative use of the extra letter here, too)

10. Use the Force for this Star Wars Reference
Another nerdy vanity plate perfect for the Jedi in you. For this one, it might take a second to get it. But really, you just need to know the classic Star Wars line “May the force be with you, always” for the reference to connect.

11. Everyone loves Tacos
This vanity plate is fairly self-explanatory. However, we can’t find any fault in the sentiment. Who doesn’t love tacos? (Wrong People, that’s who)

12. Poodlz
You can’t say this is false advertising. Although we have to ask – how many poodles are too many poodles?

13. Cheapskate
At least they are being upfront about what they are, I guess? Though I don’t know that you can be called a cheapskate if you’re driving a Model Y Tesla. Still, I’d think twice before getting into a car with this plate on a date. Wouldn’t you?

14. Is this advice for the zombie apocalypse?
How do you interpret this one? We’re not sure – but it’s pretty hilarious whatever the context. You just know someone out there is really mad about this plate.

15. Confidence is Key
Sometimes everyone needs to know exactly how fabulous you – and your car – are. The owner of this Hudson Hornet isn’t wrong. That vintage car is a beauty!

16. You Can Never Escape Seinfield
Some pop culture references never die. This Seinfeld reference to the infamous “Soup Nazi” is pretty clever if you’re a fan of the show. Just don’t make the same mistake as George next time you try to order.

17. Not a Cop
This could be a very helpful notice if you happen to pull up behind this retired police cruiser.

18. Also Not a Cop
This one is just as funny, if a little less polite than the first one. That’s the risk of buying an old police car at an auction.

19. Goonies Never Say Die
If you’ve seen the film, I know you practically heard this vanity plate in Sloth’s voice. How could you not? After all, everyone loves The Goonies (1986).

20. Bad Pun
You might be groaning at this pun but admit it, you got a little chuckle out of a caravan with a VANPIRE plate on the back. Someone must be a big fan of Dracula.

21. ADHD
At least you’re giving the other motorists a warning before you space out at the next red light? Hopefully, this vanity plate owner remembered to take their Adderall this morning!

22. Well if you park like that…
With this parking job, that’s the perfect plate for this Hyundai. Although, it looks like the truck next to them isn’t doing much better.

23. Yikes
Is this one too soon? But if you’re old enough to remember the infamous white Bronco chase leading to the arrest of OJ Simpson, you’ll definitely do a double take at this vanity plate.

24. When You Really Want the Person in Front of You to Know
With this plate, we really have to ask – Are you calling out the car in front of you? Or are you just advertising your own nature in advance? I guess you’d have to see this car on the road to know for sure.

25. To Infinity….
Buzz Lightyear would be proud of this Toy Story reference. You have to love it when you can make such a perfect pop culture reference with your car.

What’s the best vanity plate you’ve ever seen? Tell us your favorite in the comments below!