The license plate number #215NPP belongs to a HONDA Civic (2006 model) and is registered in Connecticut as a passenger car manufactured by HONDA OF CANADA MFG., A DIVISION OF HONDA CANADA INC.. The vehicle has a standard license plate attached to the front and rear of the vehicle. The license plate #215NPP was first searched on LookupAPlate on January 04, 2025, and it currently has three community reports. You can find the detailed report of the vehicle below.
The vehicle owner(s) information for the 2006 HONDA Civic with license plate 215NPP may be available through our data provider. Click the button below to start your free search.
She's an entitled older driver who didn’t give way to an oncoming vehicle, and even had the audacity to honk at a driver they're supposed to yield to. She tried to make a left turn out of a parking lot without checking for oncoming traffic.
Tried to cut me off and was tailgating me for a while.
As they were pulling out of a parking lot, they did not check both ways before attempting to make a left turn. As they pulled out of the lot, they were not being careful to yield to oncoming traffic. A car that they had to yield to stopped for them. Despite this, she held her horn down on that person. The person she had to yield for even stopped for them as I perceive it was a gesture of courtesy. Overall, I witnessed an incident of road rage by her. She should've checked for oncoming traffic before pulling out of the lot.
If you were injured in an incident involving #215NPP or any other vehicle in Connecticut, an experienced auto accident attorney can help you get the justice and settlement you deserve.